HI everyone

I put this in the general computing bit as its a bit about hardware and a bit about software.

I have a 3d connexions Spacemouse which is a brilliant tool used in conjunction with a normal mouse, in Fusion 360 and other 3d programmes you use it to move the model in 6 axis while using the normal mouse in the other hand for drawing etc. Once you have used it it is very intuitive and you really get used to it.

Incidentally I have the cadmouse too which is also excellent.

When I use Vcarve I feel like I am being handicapped because there is no compatibility for the spacemouse. Of course there is no need for 6 axis control in Vcarve but it would be nice to be able to move the drawing left and right and to zoom in and out using it.
I think people who have not used one don`t "get it" but those who have think its a no brainer to use it all the time.

I have asked on the Vectric forum and support for this seems a low priority for them, though several other spacemouse owners expressed interest when I asked the question.

Apparently there was an old version of the drivers that would allow custom control for virtually any software via an overlay or something but for some reason (probably because they want quality control of the implementation) 3D Connexion removed this option.

I am trying a demo version of a thing called control my joystick which utilises the spacemouse to control flight simulators to try and get it to work but I am not having success with output so far (a question has been sent to the developer of CMJ) if I can get it to work i will buy the full version.

Does anyone know how to make this work? Another option of a 3rd party control software? There is an SDK you can download from the 3d connexion site but I would not know where to start with that. Has anyone got this to work?

Seems like if they wanted to it could be implemented quite easily by vectric.

Any ideas ?
