Quote Originally Posted by Kitwn View Post
That was my point, even the lowest quality rails of this design are going to be way ahead of any cheap, DIY construction that other builders turn to in order to save money.
I am glad that I misunderstood your comment before.

Quote Originally Posted by Kitwn View Post
And I certainly hope supported round rails are better as well, that's what I'm using!
Same here. Been using those for several years now, initially planned to replace them one day, but gave up the idea because I think they are just fine for my needs. My first CNC was based on unsupported round rods, and while they worked, and even could earn some money using them, I decided to upgrade to supported round rails. The results were satisfying and now, while it would be cool to have these HGR20 rails with HGH20C bearings, I think the work it demands to make the change is not worth it. Yes, these rails are fairly cheap today, but unfortunately it is not a "plug and play" work, but demands a serious modification of every axis. Maybe if something seriously goes wrong with the machine I'll do this as well as fixing the serious issue, but for now I'll be fine.

Quote Originally Posted by Kitwn View Post
Though If I'd seen these rails at that price when I built my machine I may well have chosen them instead.

Yes, I'd definitely chosen these rails if they were as cheap as they are today. As I remember, these were a lot more expensive back in 2013 when I started with mine, and at that time I wasn't even sure that I really wanted a CNC. I just built one for my own mental challenge, to see if I can design, build and learn how to use one, so spending that much on something so totally "useless" thing was just not what I wanted to do. Today it's different. For all newly starters there is a gold mine out there, because really, we have to admit that those cheap Chinese things got a lot better in quality during the last years, so buying cheap is not necessarily the same as buying crap.