Ok, I didn't really want to take time out of my day to do this or bash heads with you but this needs to be done for the sake of those we are watching or will see this thread in months or years to come because what you are saying is totally wrong.

Quote Originally Posted by A_Camera View Post
I am not saying that there are no lemons, but that most are OK for hobby use and there is no reason to rush or assume that everything is bad. Of course if one is replacing the bearings one might as well do it right and get the proper ones.
It's a simple fact, which if you don't believe me you can go ask SKF or any other bearing manufacturer is that deep groove bearings are completely the wrong bearing for the application these BK bearings are sold for. The whole point of the END fixing is to reduce axial movement and handle the linear forces and to do this then either Thrust bearings or angular contact bearings are the correct choices.

To say otherwise is WRONG and MISLEADING and no amount of arguing over a poor buying decision to save face will change this.

Quote Originally Posted by A_Camera View Post
But you can't say that just because some people have issues all are having them.
I didn't say that at all so please don't put words into my mouth.! I said that many on this forum had issues, which is true, and if you had been around long enough you would know this.

Quote Originally Posted by A_Camera View Post
In my experience there was a huge quality improvement in these things the last few years, can't compare with how things were like ten years ago. Yes, they do use these simple bearings, but unless it is specified otherwise, there is nothing wrong with that, they didn't fool you. It's not for industrial use, if it was then I'd be more critical about them.
Well, that's exactly the problem here I think.? What experience do you have.? 1 set possibly 2 sets of BK bearings which if they are the same as these how could you know any difference.?
To say "in my experience" should actually mean you have experience of more than a couple of sets and actually experienced the difference between current and old components. If you had the experience then you wouldn't be making desperate face-saving comments like that and know that the current budget BK bearings are indeed worse and unfit for the purpose intended for the reasons I stated above.

You have the right to your opinions and I respect that, but I have the right to point out BULLSHIT when I see it and for the sake of others reading this now and the many 100's or 1000's that will read it in months and years to come I'm calling you out as pedaling BULLSHIT to save face for buying inferior components.

Whether you like it or not, the simple TRUTH is that DEEP GROOVE bearings are wrong for the application of end fixings for ball screws. It's not about AC are the best or the only ones which should be used, far from it, cheaper thrust bearings will work and are correct for the application also but AC is the better type and are what should be fit to the BK type bearings.

It's a simple financial fact that to produce these kits at such stupidly low prices that something must give and it's 99.9% nailed on most will come with DEEP Groove bearings for this very reason.

Now back to work.!