I mean this reply to be constructive - yes, you've explained your choice of machine and hopefully we can move on.

This site does support your type of request - normally people are asked to post in the "Market Place" / "Projects Jobs and Requests" - just post a "RFQ" posting in there. Comments are disabled in there (since one of my much earlier posts courted some controversy), and people "up for the job" will contact you directly. I've had a couple of plates manufactured by people in here in the past and it's been a good experience.

But, I'd suggest most people would be keen for you to baseline a set of drawings such that they know exactly what it is you're after. I've spent 10 minutes googling a Queenbee plate set - I think I've got a parametric model of the whole machine in Fusion 360 as a result, but have no confidence with the default values whether this is the size that you want, or not - and the open source nature means this particular model might differ from the next model online. Anyone looking to undertake this work will want any ambiguity of the plates required removed by you providing a copy of the drawing set (or 3d model) - or link to same.

Again, just to re-iterate, this post whilst itself doesn't address your needs, may hopefully help you post enough detail that people can genuinely step in to help.