Thanks again A Camera -

The truth is, i did not want to start cutting metal, the small bits that i have ever needed to cut, i just use some old engineers handsaws that my father passed down to me.

The path i wanted to go down, was one of ease, based on the path followed by many.

All the profiles are cut exactly to length, paid for them to be pre-drilled and tapped.

I wanted to buy the parts, of the shelf, assemble and off i go.

I have made a mistake and should have stuck to the plan.

The few small deviations, like purchasing the thicker linear rails and ball screws is a deviation.

I must stick to the plan

I know that the machine i will build will be a piece of shit (allegedly) - but I must stick to the plan

Anybody want some Rm1605 ball screws, as they are going in the bin! I must stick to the plan!

