Quote Originally Posted by grantx View Post
Andy, did you get this resolved? I got in touch with him yesterday and he said he will be sending out replacement upgraded controllers which have much smoother output. We shall see. I will update this thread if I receive the kit.
Hi Grant, I know we have spoken and emailed so you know most of this but I'm saying what's below for the sake of others reading this.

It's not just as simple as swapping out the drives, motors and PSU also need to be factored into the equation.
I would want to know the specs of the motors and the inductance ratings, etc because usually, it goes hand in hand that if used cheap drives they will have used cheap motors probably bought together as a kit.
It's very common for Cheap NEMA 34 motors to have very high inductance which means more voltage is required to get any decent performance so just changing the drives won't always make much difference to performance.

Having a good machine is all about balance and how the components match up with each other and the machine in general regards ball screws etc.

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