27-02-2022 #11
28-02-2022 #12
Why do you need that.? The amount of work involved is massive and the reality is when using the machine that none of this is seen or needed.
The tool offset screen tells you everything you need to know about the tool and on the main screen, all you need to see is the current tool number, tool offset, diameter offset, Next tool, and if using a carousel type the pocket that is lined up with the spindle.-use common sense, if you lack it, there is no software to help that.
Email: [email protected]
Web site: www.jazzcnc.co.uk
01-03-2022 #13
I am sorry, I can't test it with AXBB since I only have the UC300ETH, but I know people who are using it, so it works. Please list all your parameters and I can test it with my machine. For example, the X + probing uses Plate thickness, Probe diameter, Probing size, X and Y retract, Fast probing and the Fine probing parameters. I think that each parameter is clearly explained in the manual, but if something is unclear, I'll explain in different words if I can. Regarding the general principle, what should happen in your X plus probing case is the following.
When you push the X+ button the movement starts in X positive direction at Fast probing speed. When the tip touches the probed surface, it will retract using G0 command at your machines maximum speed to 5% of the the X Y retract position. This means that if your X Y retract is not set properly then the movement may not be enough for proper second probing. Even using too high Fast probing value may cause problems because your machine may not stop in time and may overshoot too much. Decrease the Fast probing speed, it may help. After the first probing and that reverse movement, the probe will slowly move again towards the X positive direction. The speed of that move is the same as given by the Fine probing value. Once that is done, the probe will retract to X and Y retract position. The movements you describe is not something I recognize and don't know what's causing it. Fast probing is done once, and after that one fine probing, unless Fine probing is set to zero, in which case probing is done only once at the Fast probing speed.
The default values are set for a rigid probing using a simple plate. Normally that works, but it is important that the parameters are tested, understood and configured properly, otherwise your tip may be broken, or driven into the material, or cause other damages.
When I test, I normally test in the air just to make sure that movements are safe and are made in the direction I expect to avoid accidents. I think that it is important because an accident can be expensive, especially if you are using a fancy expensive 3D probe. In fact, I have just recently bought a 3D probe, which is not the most expensive one, but expensive enough to care about it. I am also about to make and release a video about it, so perhaps I'll add a few clips with some examples also before I publish it.
Please note that I have not tested it with the latest version of UCCNC, only with 1.2111. I will also not test it until I find need for changing version. CNC Drive have once again made a huge design change in version 1.2113 and I have no time or interest in testing that version now.
01-03-2022 #14
01-03-2022 #15
Thank you for the explanation. Here is a quick video of the travel
Hopefully you can see the settings. I tried quite a few settings with no change in travel directions
I am now going to install 1.2111 and try that.
Regards Simon
Sent from my COL-L29 using Tapatalk
01-03-2022 #16
No, I can't see your settings, but I can see that your machine, or probe, seems to be faulty, because you are probing very slow, but the machine just keeps going and bending your probe. Something is definitely seriously wrong, or configured the wrong way. Please read my manual once again, and if you want me to do do a quick test, please LIST the parameters as a text. I hope you don't expect me to capture that information, take notes and so on... AND help you also. I really don't have time, unless YOU make some efforts.
BTW, just like I said before, DON'T run the probing against any hard surface, unless you KNOW 100% that everything is fine. This way you are going to break something, and I am not responsible for that damage. Run your tests in the air, touching your finger, not a hard surface, until you know it's working as you would expect.
01-03-2022 #17
I don't want to be a pain for you, I understand that you haven't signed up for never ending support. I am sorry about the image quality of the settings, the upload failed at the other two resolution settings.
I am probing slowly so I can see what's going on. I am probing against a small steel block resting on a foam block. If it goes wrong it either moves the block or plunges into foam.
Later tonight I will try 1.2111
Now that you've told me about the desired axis travel I know what to look for. I can hopefully trouble shoot from here. The curiosity is that the Z height probing works fine.
Thank you
Sent from my COL-L29 using Tapatalk
01-03-2022 #18
01-03-2022 #19
So good news, bad news. I loaded the probing screen and macros to 1.2111 The install went fine but the odd behaviour is the same as 1.2113. It looks like my issue is not UCCNC Version related.
Settings used in the following video.
PT 0
PD 2
PS 10
FC 8
XY R 20
FP 100
FnP 20
PDp - 3
Units mm
The probe is on Pin 2 Port 2 Active high
Diag Page shows
I2 on. Led off in i/o function monitor
Trigger probe and
I2 off Led on in i/o function monitor
Nothing shown in Status monitor
The video shows 3 probe routines one after the other. Z height, X plus, and X Center.
I suppose I should start to break the issue down, check the UCCNC set up, probe settings, then try some simple probe moves!
Can anyone suggest a check for the probe wiring and UCCNC Settings?
Sent from my COL-L29 using Tapatalk
02-03-2022 #20
It is clear that something is seriously wrong with your installation. I can't immediately see anything wrong with your parameters, but I will try the same parameters tonight and try the same settings. Anyway, I think you should STOP using my probe screen until you figured out the problem, which I am pretty sure is hardware, wiring, or UCCNC configuration related. You MUST follow my advice and use your fingers to verify the functions and the probe you are using. I don't know what sort of probe it is, how it is installed / wired, and how it supposed to be installed / wired. I can't see anything in that video, other than just like I said before, your machine is not stopping when the probe is pushed against the surface. Maybe it is because the contact indicating the touch needs more force, and maybe because those blocks are pushed away, along the direction of the move, the touching force is not activating it. When you probe the Z, the problem is gone because the block you are probing can't be pushed into the table. But once again, verify the function using your fingers to prevent damage.
Another thing, X and Y retract parameter MUST be smaller than the gap between those blocks. In your video it looks like the gap is smaller than 20 mm, i.e. move the blocks and make sure the distance between them is larger than 20 mm.
Also, you must verify that the probe is wired right and that the input is triggered when you wiggle the tip of the probe in ANY direction. You can do that without any movement, just touch the tip and check the input using UCCNC diagnostic screen. I am more and more suspecting that your probe is the cause of the problem, but that's just a gut feeling. I think it needs a LOT of horizontal force to trip it, a lot more than you think. Verify this with your finger tip, What sort of probe is that? Who made it and how does the internal design looks like? How is the trigger mechanism working? What is it based on? Do you have a link to that?
OK, I have now tested with your parameters and it works just fine for me. Tested Z Tool Height, X center and X+ probing, no problems at all.Last edited by A_Camera; 02-03-2022 at 04:57 PM.
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