. .
  1. #1
    I've got the CNC and now would like to attach a laser to it. Has anyone reading this retrofitted a laser to their cnc and would you mind sharing what you learned?
    I have the KK01 breakout board from cnc4you.

    Laser module - what is a good quality unit to get? I will be using it to etch/burn wood. No deep cuts or anything simply surface layer stuff.

    Control module/driver/PSU? What else would I need to get burning?

    Many thanks.

  2. #2
    Soyb's Avatar
    Lives in Leominster, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 12-11-2024 Has been a member for 3-4 years. Has a total post count of 38. Received thanks 5 times, giving thanks to others 2 times.
    I have just purchased a laser from NEJE, they do a good range of power options and modules for either manual control or PMW, TTL with or without PSU


    It arrived in under 10 days and was a good price / power, I will be using it on my desktop gantry router (designed for 43mm spindle), I have the powerful 40W double laser since I want to cut thin ply but if you are just engraving then


    would do the job.

  3. #3
    Fantastic. Thanks for replying, What do PMW and TTL mean?

  4. #4
    Soyb's Avatar
    Lives in Leominster, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 12-11-2024 Has been a member for 3-4 years. Has a total post count of 38. Received thanks 5 times, giving thanks to others 2 times.
    They are basic methods of either turning the laser on/off (TTL) and controlling the power of the laser (PMW)


    With a KK01 you use an output to control the power as you would a spindle and another output to turn the laser on or off

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  6. #5
    What software do you use or recommend? I am currently using mach3 and vectric.

  7. #6
    Soyb's Avatar
    Lives in Leominster, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 12-11-2024 Has been a member for 3-4 years. Has a total post count of 38. Received thanks 5 times, giving thanks to others 2 times.
    I only have experience of UCCNC and Vectric, and they are more than adequate for my needs, JAZZCNC suggested getting a AXBB_E controller from UCCNC instead of a KK01, more expensive but it has a lot more flexibility and better support.

  8. #7
    I'm seriously considering the UCCNC package. In terms of vectric do you use the new laser module they've come out with or another method of controlling the power intensity of the laser.
    I was just wondering how you would burn some parts darker than others.

  9. #8
    Soyb's Avatar
    Lives in Leominster, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 12-11-2024 Has been a member for 3-4 years. Has a total post count of 38. Received thanks 5 times, giving thanks to others 2 times.
    I don't have any experience with engraving, I use the laser for cutting so just set the intensity like you would for the spindle speed for the whole job. Its one of those things that I know I could do if I every get round to looking at it. I know UCCNC has a module for creating laser engraved pictures, never tried the vectric module. Have a look at the UCNCNC facebook group there are people on there doing exactly what you want to do.

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  11. #9
    Soyb's Avatar
    Lives in Leominster, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 12-11-2024 Has been a member for 3-4 years. Has a total post count of 38. Received thanks 5 times, giving thanks to others 2 times.
    PS Lightburn software is very good but they dont have a driver for UCCNC yet... but they say they are working on one

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