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  1. #21
    Hello all!

    I realise this is ultimatley a build thread but i wasnt sure where els to post this so i appologise if its in the wrong forum,but i too am very frustrated with Marchant dice / world of cnc, getting them to send the parts i orderd/paid for in early january(it is now near the end of march) is like trying to get blood from a stone, everytime i call its a diffrent excuse and a diffrent story. anyway today he finaly told me he diddnt have the ballscrew i orderd in january blameing it on his supplyer in france yet the week before i was told the ballscrew had been assembled "down stairs" and was waiting to be dispached, so i asked for a refund and he told me he would give me a refund but could only do it later that day, needless to say i didnt get it. I fear i will never get the refund. to be honest if it was just a £10-£20 item i would just put this whole ordeal down to expirience and forget it but this ballscrew-nut-BK and BF bearing supports cost me around £250 and thats to much to just "put down to expirience" and this is not the first time iv had this problem, took me over a month and many calls to get an 8mm ballscrew from him in november but i thought this was just a one off.

    Sorry for the boreing rant but im very frustrated with Marchantdice, has anyone had a similar problem? or know what i can do to get a refund from this company?


  2. #22
    Similar problems here. I had ordered motors and cnc controller kit from them and when it arrived the motors had been used previously. I was then given delivery dates for replacements which never arrived. I ended up getting a refund after loads of emails and phone calls and a few of the emails were ignored along the way.
    My advice is to go for the full refund and then speak to a nice gent called Gary at Zapp Automation. The BK and BF ballnut supports are standard sizes so getting a screw to fit them will not be a problem.
    Dont let up on your refund, its your money after all and you didnt get it easily so why should someone else. So keep at it until you get it.



  3. Maybe that's different story, but I had similar problems with floors-2-go. I've purchased vinyl from local store in Wolverhampton, stuff never arrived as promised. Manager was lying all the time, he was avoiding us when we wanted our money back. We nearly ended up in court, but with help of the council we managed to get our money back after 3 months. I found on internet it's not the first time Floors-2-go cheat customers. My personal advice is AVOID FLOORS 2 GO as much as you can !!! BTW I was going to buy stuff from Merchant Dice, but it's not going to happen after Simon and Ian's posts. Merchant Dice - YOU'RE LOOSING CUSTOMERS !!!!

  4. #24
    Not sure what Marchant Dice's problems are now but I bought 3 ball screws and nuts with no problems although it was 3 or 4 years ago!


  5. #25
    Hi guys,

    Thanx for all the replys and support

    web goblin i orderd a 12mm ballscrew from gary at Zap automation last week, i forget what day i orderd it but it arrived 2 days after i placed the order on his website, cant beet that for service, so from now on i will be useing zap, i also just orderd another 12 mm ballscrew and 10mm BK and 10mm BF bearing supports and a motor couppling from zap this morning, so i will soon beable to finish my 7x14 mini lathe conversion, cant wait to get back into this project! I have a router/plasma table almost finished aswell.


  6. #26
    Raul's Avatar
    Lives in SANTANDER, Spain. Last Activity: 26-04-2021 Has been a member for 3-4 years. Has a total post count of 9.
    Hi ptj,

    I have problems with the set up of mach3, can you send me your set up? it may help me understanding why everything seems to work, but the steps motor don't move at all.

    Best regards

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