14-07-2021 #1
Its working .. as in the laser comes on at very low power and creates a spot. But if I use test software in light-burn that ramps its from 10% to %100 its get brighter but wont even draw a line on paper - it goes through the file doing the same thing. Not sure what is wrong. If I press the fire button on the laser motherboard it instantly burns a hole in the paper.
Fiction is far more plausible when wrapped around a thread of truth
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
15-07-2021 #2
videos of problem added
focus test
onboard full power button burn
Off to get a new Arduino from CPC see if its the cheap clone problem
Fiction is far more plausible when wrapped around a thread of truth
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
15-07-2021 #3
I know nothing of the hardware, nor software. But, ultimately this will be a TTL-level signal between whatever controller and the laser. Gut feeling is you've got a PWM output on the ardi that is either "wrong" (maybe duty cycle?, or some internal calibration), or the software is mis-configured. If you've got access to a scope I'm be examining the signal to the laser and taking it from there. If you get stuck - I'm local, can offer a second pair of eyes and a scope.
15-07-2021 #4
I've swapped out the Arduino still same result.
I've red that if the feed rates are to low it will not power up because it will burn. But I think its a faulty laser motherboard. I've seen these working on much lesser machines on youtube. I've sent the video to the maker.. see what they say.
But I might bypass diodes and fit a C02 to it.
Fiction is far more plausible when wrapped around a thread of truth
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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