. .
  1. #1
    Hi folks, I've been scratching my head as to how to wire up my VFD and touch probe (I'm electrically illiterate!).

    I have the UB1/UC300ETH combo, and a chinese VFD. I've looked through all of the youtube videos, guides but my VFD seems to be labelled differently.

    Can I wire the VFD directly to the UB1 or do I need a relay? If anyone has a diagram that can help it would be greatly appreciated.

    Here are pics of the VFD and manual..

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	VFD.jpg 
Views:	563 
Size:	205.6 KB 
ID:	30369
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	VFDmanual.jpg 
Views:	576 
Size:	123.3 KB 
ID:	30370

    *edit - I thought I'd better add that I want to connect the spindle so it's turned on/speed controlled automatically, if that wasn't obvious already...
    Last edited by sdimelow; 27-08-2021 at 10:17 AM. Reason: picture links didn't work

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by sdimelow View Post
    Hi folks, I've been scratching my head as to how to wire up my VFD and touch probe (I'm electrically illiterate!).

    I have the UB1/UC300ETH combo, and a chinese VFD. I've looked through all of the youtube videos, guides but my VFD seems to be labelled differently.

    Can I wire the VFD directly to the UB1 or do I need a relay? If anyone has a diagram that can help it would be greatly appreciated.

    Ok, I've attached a diagram that will work. The reason your manual looks different from most others is because you have what is effectively a copy of the popular Chinese Huanyang Vfd. I have used this VFD only one time and wasn't very impressed I'm sorry to say.

    I will try to explain some of the diagrams.

    First, you'll notice the speed reference (AH1) is using 0-5V and not 0-10V. The reason for this is because the UB1 requires you to provide either 5V or 10V voltage for the analog speed reference, this is usually provided by the VFD but your VFD only provides 5v or 12v outputs and not 10V so you can't use 0-10V because 12V would possibly blow the UB1 analog circuit.

    Also, notice that the Analog Output and the Inputs for FWD share the same GND, this isn't ideal because it means the Analog circuit isn't isolated so you could get issues with electrical interference from elsewhere affecting the speed. Most VFDs provide a separate Analog Common (ACM) and digital common (DCM) for the inputs to help isolate this problem.

    The UB1 does provide you with 3 x NO (normally open) relay contacts. These are labeled CM1 - NO1, CM2 - NO2, CM3 - NO3
    To switch the VFD on/OFF you just connect FWD to NO1 and GND to CM1, this is relay #1. You then set up UCCNC in the Axis Spindle setup to use PORT#1 PIN #1 for the M3 command. This is for the clockwise direction.
    If you wanted to use Anti clockwise then you would wire REV to NO2 and GND to CM2, then set M4 to PORT#1 PIN #14. Though I wouldn't recommend this as you'll spin the nut off, hopefully, though you get the idea of how the relays can be used.

    The probe I show is based on the simple puck and Crocodile type which is simply using any INPUT between X103 and X115 by running a wire from the input you choose to the probe body and returning this wire to the 0V on the UB1 from the Crocodile clip which you fasten on the tool.
    When the tool and Body touch it forms the circuit.
    If it's the type that uses a spring-loaded plunger plate then it's exactly the same wiring just take 0v to 0v on the probe and X103/X115 to V+ on the probe.

    Hope this helps.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	VFD.png 
Views:	585 
Size:	22.0 KB 
ID:	30371
    -use common sense, if you lack it, there is no software to help that.

    Email: [email protected]

    Web site: www.jazzcnc.co.uk

  3. #3
    Thank you Jazz, I'll work through your instructions and give it a go :D

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