Maybe in the next version the old HMI will not be available any more, which I think would be a bad idea because the new HMI isn't very well designed, especially those tiny Start, Stop, Hold and so on buttons on the right should be coloured and MUCH larger. Also the choice of colour map is horrible with that black background. I don't know who designed it, but the person doesn't seem to have studied HMI, otherwise he / she wouldn't have chosen that EXTREME high contrast HMI with inverted colouring, red or white text or lines on black is a horrible combination, the most horrible you can find. Black is good as background when you are watching photographic images, but not for reading text or fine lines. Black creates also a lot of reflections, so it is bad in may ways. But the worst is that all, or most buttons are of the same size and same colour, crammed together. I mean, it wouldn't have taken too much effort to make the G code display window smaller so that the critical buttons on the right could have been made at least twice the size and the Reset even larger. Those are critical control buttons and should be easily identifiable and found on the screen. As it is now, they are just like any other button, melted into the HMI.