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  1. #1
    dzc's Avatar
    Lives in UK, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 01-01-2022 Has been a member for 1-2 years. Has a total post count of 5.
    I am looking for some advice as I am experiencing some strange issue with a GRBL controller on a china 3040 CNC machine.

    I had replaced the machine controller with GRBL board running DRV8825 drivers for all 3 axis.

    I don't know the exact reason why, but the Z axis driver keep blowing up , and I have no idea what's going on.
    wires seems ok, Arduino board runs fine (and replaced with another just in case) I did have some 'noise' on the motors (x and Y) and all wires are now with ferrite rings on (maybe that the issues?)

    Would welcome some tip/advice of identifying the issue and if all else fail a new controller board that can drive the machine properly.

    Adding some images, not sure if its any help.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_5953.jpg 
Views:	439 
Size:	88.9 KB 
ID:	30514 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_5888.jpg 
Views:	457 
Size:	329.2 KB 
ID:	30513

    Thanks in advance and sure am looking forward to any help that can be offered.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by dzc View Post
    I am looking for some advice as I am experiencing some strange issue with a GRBL controller on a china 3040 CNC machine.

    I had replaced the machine controller with GRBL board running DRV8825 drivers for all 3 axis.

    I don't know the exact reason why, but the Z axis driver keep blowing up , and I have no idea what's going on.
    wires seems ok, Arduino board runs fine (and replaced with another just in case) I did have some 'noise' on the motors (x and Y) and all wires are now with ferrite rings on (maybe that the issues?)

    Would welcome some tip/advice of identifying the issue and if all else fail a new controller board that can drive the machine properly.

    Adding some images, not sure if its any help.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_5953.jpg 
Views:	439 
Size:	88.9 KB 
ID:	30514 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_5888.jpg 
Views:	457 
Size:	329.2 KB 
ID:	30513

    Thanks in advance and sure am looking forward to any help that can be offered.

    Hi have you set your vref properly? (the tiny potentiometer on the back of stepper driver)
    is the stepper motor getting hot before blowing? check if there is any debris on linear guides and with stepper motor disconnected manually push carriage through entire range of motion to check for any difficulties, the linear guides should glide across with ease. also do you have a multi meter? there could be a number of reasons but in my experience its usually improper vref setting or faulty board the grbl controllers from China are not built with quality in mind start there and get back to me i will walk you through troubleshooting

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