Hi All
I'm just about to order some wire for my never ending cnc project and have thought myself into the ground over the wire sizes.
Have I got this right ?
the DC + V and -V (in my case 45v 7amp servo supply) roughly 1mm or 1.5mm wire
I am using the jmc 180 watt intergrated servos
Now I assume that the DIR + DIR- Pul + PUL- connections on the intergrated driver are signal inputs from the AXBB-e controller which I could use 0.25mm 0.5mm screened wire
and the ALM and ENA contacts are also signal wires that are ok with the thinner 0.25 - 0.5 m wire
My understanding is that the dc supply carries the main current hence heavier wire.
Would I be correct in thinking that on a normal stepper driver the dir and pul outputs carry the power to the stepper coils ? and that cable be rated for the current capacity of the stepper motor (would the total current rating for the stepper wire be divided by how many are wires conecting the stepper) or should the total amp rating of the stepper be used for each wire PUL+ PUL- DIR+ DIR-.
I hope these questions aren't too dopey? What's thrown my brain is the inergrated driver on the servo.