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  1. #1
    Just got my hands on a cyclone lathe from 1998
    No electronics with machine except the transformer and a pair of Parker Digiplan BT30 drivers and the servos on the machine

    I’m looking to run from single phase and have a 4kw vfd for the main spindle motor
    Two questions really

    1 - are the servos usable in that they are +/-10volts and not step/direction. If so what sort of motion controller do I need?

    2 - the 8 position ATC is a Diplomatic BD80. 8/10-110/50. What do I need to control that ?

    I’m using linuxcnc on my mill and smaller lathe and am happy with it so if that can be part of the solution then great. I really want to avoid mach3 as it’s so hold a buggy and mach4 as next to no support

    The cyclone appears to have done next to no work slides ways are like new as are the ball screws
    It was sat in a garage for some years and as some surface rust, which is nearly all now removed and I am in the process of stripping off the tinwork to gain proper access to the servos, main spindle motor, spindle tachometer, limit switches etc

    Suggestions please folks

    If the servos and drivers are junk then suggestions please for their replacements, close loop steppers or modern servos and if so what sizes / powers etc

    I want to end up with an accurate machine, but equally I don’t want to spend the earth on it and as such I will trade a bit of speed. The slides are fairly short so massively fast rapids is not a great concern

    Cheers. Paul

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  2. #2
    m_c's Avatar
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    If you were to stay with the analog servos, you'd need something like CS-Labs CSMIO/IP-A, Dynomotion K-flop with Kanalog, or there are Mesa boards that can handle it for LinuxCNC.

    Have you got a photo of the turret?
    I thought Denford only fitted either their own turret, or Barafuldi turrets.

    Personally, I'd fit modern servos with step/dir control if I was to retrofit another cyclone.
    Although I fitted new servos to mine (I opted for a 400W on the X, and 700W on the Z), I still ran them in Analog mode, as I wanted to use a Dynomotion Kanalog board for the extra IO it gave (their Konnect expansion board only came out after I'd done my retrofit).

    For what I mostly turn now, I'd also consider a standalone controller. However I did like the the Mach3 turning wizards for quick programming when I first got my Cyclone running. Even after I moved to running KMotionCNC, I still kept a licensed copy of Mach3 on the computer for generating code, as it was handy for occasional simple parts, instead of dragging a laptop out to the workshop.
    Avoiding the rubbish customer service from AluminiumWarehouse since July '13.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by m_c View Post
    If you were to stay with the analog servos, you'd need something like CS-Labs CSMIO/IP-A, Dynomotion K-flop with Kanalog, or there are Mesa boards that can handle it for LinuxCNC.

    Have you got a photo of the turret?
    I thought Denford only fitted either their own turret, or Barafuldi turrets.

    Personally, I'd fit modern servos with step/dir control if I was to retrofit another cyclone.
    Although I fitted new servos to mine (I opted for a 400W on the X, and 700W on the Z), I still ran them in Analog mode, as I wanted to use a Dynomotion Kanalog board for the extra IO it gave (their Konnect expansion board only came out after I'd done my retrofit).

    For what I mostly turn now, I'd also consider a standalone controller. However I did like the the Mach3 turning wizards for quick programming when I first got my Cyclone running. Even after I moved to running KMotionCNC, I still kept a licensed copy of Mach3 on the computer for generating code, as it was handy for occasional simple parts, instead of dragging a laptop out to the workshop.

    I’ve stripped the cyclone down a little more tonight and removed the panel work so everything is now very accessible
    I removed the Z servo and cables and connected to the Parker Digiplan BT30 driver
    All powered up and worked perfectly. Connect the +/-10volts together and motor is stationary then connect a 3 volt dc source and motor spins one way reverse the polarity and the motor spins in the opposite direction. Increase the voltage and motor speed increases
    Fairly basic test but appears that the servos and drivers are in good working order

    I might be missing the obvious here -
    With step/direction I understand how that works in that the controllers wants to move Z 10mm it knows how many steps to move and in which direction to achieve the 10mm movement
    With the +/-10volts I understand the polarity part for direction control but how does the controller instruct the servo to move 10mm. I get the speed of movement is controlled by the voltage applied (more volts = greater speed) but how does the controller know when the 10mm have been achieved?

    I have asked dynomotion to confirm that their kflop and kanalogue will work with the servos and drivers that I have and also that the ATC can be controlled but I’m awaiting their reply
    Are there any gotchas that I need to be aware of with the dynomotion kit ?


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  4. #4
    m_c's Avatar
    Lives in East Lothian, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 2 Days Ago Forum Superstar, has done so much to help others, they deserve a medal. Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 2,927. Received thanks 361 times, giving thanks to others 8 times.
    Analogue controllers rely on the servo encoder to know how far things have moved (I'm assuming you'll have encoders fitted given your machines age, but there is a possibility of having resolvers fitted, which are a nightmare to use with any modern controller).
    The controller is continually adjusting the analogue output to maintain position based on the encoder position.

    Provided your servos have encoders fitted (there should be another multicore cable on the rear of the servo), a KFlop and Kanalog will work.
    The KMotionCNC software is pretty basic, but it does the job.
    The biggest issue you might have with a KFlop, is most of the config and any custom coding is done using C programs. It does mean you need to understand at least the basics of C, but it also means it can be programmed to do some quite advanced controlling.

    I did have a quick search of the Denford forums last night after posting, and see Duplomatic turrets appear to have been used on newer machines. I think the biggest issue you'll have with the turret, is figuring out how to control it. I couldn't see anything.
    I've just done another search, and found this document on the linux cnc forum - https://forum.linuxcnc.org/media/kun...50-1412-en.pdf which seems to suggest Duplomatic supply their own control board, so I'm going to guess they don't publish exactly how the turret operates. And if you don't have that controller, you could have a major problem.
    I'd start by asking on the Denford forums, and emailing Duplomatic (https://www.duplomaticautomation.com/), to try and find out about the turret, as without a functioning turret, a Cyclone isn't much use.
    Avoiding the rubbish customer service from AluminiumWarehouse since July '13.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by m_c View Post
    Analogue controllers rely on the servo encoder to know how far things have moved (I'm assuming you'll have encoders fitted given your machines age, but there is a possibility of having resolvers fitted, which are a nightmare to use with any modern controller).
    The controller is continually adjusting the analogue output to maintain position based on the encoder position.

    Provided your servos have encoders fitted (there should be another multicore cable on the rear of the servo), a KFlop and Kanalog will work.
    The KMotionCNC software is pretty basic, but it does the job.
    The biggest issue you might have with a KFlop, is most of the config and any custom coding is done using C programs. It does mean you need to understand at least the basics of C, but it also means it can be programmed to do some quite advanced controlling.

    I did have a quick search of the Denford forums last night after posting, and see Duplomatic turrets appear to have been used on newer machines. I think the biggest issue you'll have with the turret, is figuring out how to control it. I couldn't see anything.
    I've just done another search, and found this document on the linux cnc forum - https://forum.linuxcnc.org/media/kun...50-1412-en.pdf which seems to suggest Duplomatic supply their own control board, so I'm going to guess they don't publish exactly how the turret operates. And if you don't have that controller, you could have a major problem.
    I'd start by asking on the Denford forums, and emailing Duplomatic (https://www.duplomaticautomation.com/), to try and find out about the turret, as without a functioning turret, a Cyclone isn't much use.
    Decided to go with close loop steppers 4nm ones from stepper online they arrived the day before I came on holiday so only rigged them up on the bench but they appear to be fast and powerful

    I got the spindle running on a 4kw inverter and it seems fine
    The turret is starting to be a concern as I don’t have the controller card for it and duplomatic have not responded to emails
    Do you think it is something that could be done with an arduino? From what I have read the outputs from the four sensors are 24v so some form of voltage shifter would be needed to get to 0 to 5 volts as needed by the arduino

    There is a ucn controller card on eBay in America but it is over £300 shipped to the uk then likely plus bay and import tax so not particularly the way I would want to go


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  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by depronman View Post
    Decided to go with close loop steppers 4nm ones from stepper online they arrived the day before I came on holiday so only rigged them up on the bench but they appear to be fast and powerful

    I got the spindle running on a 4kw inverter and it seems fine
    The turret is starting to be a concern as I don’t have the controller card for it and duplomatic have not responded to emails
    Do you think it is something that could be done with an arduino? From what I have read the outputs from the four sensors are 24v so some form of voltage shifter would be needed to get to 0 to 5 volts as needed by the arduino

    There is a ucn controller card on eBay in America but it is over £300 shipped to the uk then likely plus bay and import tax so not particularly the way I would want to go


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    I did some custom code for a Duplomatic on Arduino - heres a vid of it on a 'bench' - the connectors simulate what the duplomatic would be doing.

    Personally, if you didnt have the closed loop steppers, Id be doing servos. I dont think Ill ever do another retrofit without servos in future.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Chaz For This Useful Post:

  8. #7
    Hi Chaz
    Thank for the reply
    I’ve just watched the video but am outside in bright sunshine so not the best to view detail
    Would you be willing to share the arduino sketch and the list of components and wiring etc

    I assume that it worked fine in practice controlling the turret
    What did you use as the control software for the machine? I looking to use linuxcnc
    How many inputs and outputs does the bob need to feed into / out of the arduino ?

    Cheers. Paul

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  9. #8
    Ill have to find it, let me see what I still have.

    Same for the components. It was basically just some relays and some opto couplers from memory.

    I never deployed it in the end, mainly as the machine I was trying to retrofit the turret on (Harrison M300) struggled to move the weight of the turret, so I abandoned the idea.

    I was using Centroid Acorn and then let the Arduino do the 'change logic'.

  10. #9
    What ever you can find would be so much appreciated. Fingers crossed


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  11. #10
    I think this was the original code and in the end more complicated than what was needed. Ill see what else I can find.

    #define TRUE 1
    #define FALSE 0
    #define TURRET_MOVE_PIN 2
    #define INDEXING_CONTROL_SWITCH_PIN 4 // Double-check this
    #define LOCKING_CONTROL_SWITCH_PIN 5 // and this one


    // State variables
    int running_cycle = FALSE;
    int stopping_cycle = FALSE;
    int moving_clockwise = FALSE;
    int moving_counter_clockwise = FALSE;

    // signals evaluated on each loop
    int strobe_signal = FALSE; //Start with Strobe Signal off
    int index_control_switch = FALSE; //Start with ICS off
    int lock_control_switch = FALSE; //Start with LCS off

    void setup() {
    pinMode(TURRET_MOVE_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); //Turret Move
    pinMode(STROBE_SIGNAL_STATUS_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); //Strobe Signal Status
    pinMode(INDEXING_CONTROL_SWITCH_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); //Indexing Control Switch - 5
    pinMode(LOCKING_CONTROL_SWITCH_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); //Locking Control Switch - 6

    pinMode(INDEXING_SOLENOID_PIN, OUTPUT); //Indexing Solenoid
    pinMode(TURRET_CLOCKWISE_RUN_PIN, OUTPUT); //Turret Clockwise Run
    pinMode(TURRET_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE_RUN_PIN, OUTPUT); //Turret Counter Clockwise Run

    void loop() {
    // running_cycle gets set once per cycle, so the TURRET_MOVE_PIN signal just initiates a cycle
    // This would be the place to initialise with a counter that counts down for moving x number of positions
    // This sets the intial cycle start state, which is the state it should be in anyway, but it's belt and braces!
    if(running_cycle == FALSE && digitalRead(TURRET_MOVE_PIN) == HIGH) {
    running_cycle = TRUE;
    stopping_cycle = FALSE;
    moving_clockwise = FALSE;
    moving_counter_clockwise = FALSE;


    // While the cycle is running, constantly evaluate the state
    while(running_cycle) {
    strobe_signal = digitalRead(STROBE_SIGNAL_STATUS_PIN);
    index_control_switch = digitalRead(INDEXING_CONTROL_SWITCH_PIN);
    lock_control_switch = digitalRead(LOCKING_CONTROL_SWITCH_PIN);

    // If the stopping_cycle state hasn't been reached, and the turret isn't moving, start clockwise movement
    // Wait one second just so the strobe signal doesn't immediately trigger the stopping_cycle state
    // Can probably make that more efficient, recording state for when it turns off, before checking for it again.
    if (stopping_cycle == FALSE && moving_clockwise == FALSE) {
    moving_clockwise = TRUE;

    // If the stopping_cycle state has not already been reached, check for the strobe signal
    // if we've hit the strobe signal, then start to engage the locking pin
    // also set the 'stopping_cycle' state
    if (stopping_cycle == FALSE && moving_clockwise ==HIGH && strobe_signal == LOW) {
    stopping_cycle = TRUE;

    // If the stopping_cycle state is reached, check the index control switch, if it's set, stop clockwise rotation
    // Wait 50ms and start moving counter-clockwise
    if(stopping_cycle && moving_clockwise && index_control_switch == HIGH) {
    moving_clockwise = FALSE;
    moving_counter_clockwise = TRUE;

    // If the cycle stopping_cycle state has been reached, and counter clockwise rotation is still taking place
    // Check the lock control switch, and stop motion. Wait 200ms and then release the indexing solenoid
    if (stopping_cycle && moving_counter_clockwise && lock_control_switch == HIGH) {
    moving_counter_clockwise = FALSE;
    running_cycle = FALSE;

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