Cheers for the reply pavlo, the engine is originally a 750 triumph triple with pushrods & rockers, weve rebuilt the top end and put on overhead cam boxes we made from scratch using cam shafts from a japanese engine. we will be experimenting with cam forms as well as timing in the new year, this was the first run of the engine, it has since been test ridden round cadwell by our test rider at race speeds (also on youtube),but the electronic ignition timing couldnt keep up above about 12 to 13 000 rpm as its only designed for about 8000. we have an electronic ignition being designed to cope with it. The engine is really only a test bed for the ohc system which will be fitted to a v6 we are building based on a rocket3 engine block and two sets of 750 barrells, more info will be available when the web site is ready at currently under construction, or google george pooley all the bikes and ideas come from him.