Quote Originally Posted by jon View Post
The other thing I have my doubts about is expecting people to pour the concrete into the base themselves. The metalwork alone will have little rigidity and the weight of the wet concrete will pull it into whatever shape it wants depending on how flat the floor is. Once it's dry that's it. I'm sure not everyone who tries it will get it right first time!
Surely the customer doesn't have to fill the base with concrete them selfs.? No way can that not affect the frame dimensions and like you say it will distort it to the point of being unusable. The frame would need to be poured and left to dry then machined flat again which all goes into what is setting my spider senses off about this machine because again at this money no way can they be doing this.?

Quote Originally Posted by jon View Post
Saying that I love the concept and the videos of it cutting steel are jaw dropping. My old work bought a HAAS mill and they guy who operates it wouldn't dare take cuts like that.
He's a pussy then....