. .
  1. #1
    Hi, I have a Denford Triac - I think it was the PC version. It was upgraded in about the year 2000 to a dos based AHHA/Artisan system.

    I recently stripped it fully (every single bit of wiring and old electronics removed) and now have it fully rewired Running Mach4 + ESS + MB3, touchscreen etc. It has a 6 gang tool changer carousel and a BT35 spindle powered by pneumatics (pneumatics also removed and renewed for new).

    It was working perfectly, but now it doesn't want to pickup tools anymore on the spindle. It releases fine but now does not seem to open far enough to allow a new tool to enter into the spindle far enough for it to grip and pick it up. I have tried it holding the tool in my hands and manually setting the spindle to release and pickup.

    I do rmember the guy I bought it off mentioning I may need to top up oil in the spindle from time to time, but this was a few years ago and cannot rmember what he said.

    Can anyone shed any light on this? I tried asking on the Denford forum, but this forum seems to be dead for all intents and purposes.
    Every time I am wrong - the World makes a little less sense.

  2. #2
    Did you manage to work this out?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee Roberts View Post
    Did you manage to work this out?
    Yes it was the oil in the piston was lows I filled it and it works fine again. I really need to replace it but they are extortionate.
    Every time I am wrong - the World makes a little less sense.

  4. #4
    Cool, do they run low after awhile as standard or dose it have a problem?

  5. #5
    Had my triac nearly ten years with bt35 atc and never had to top oil up.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by andy_con View Post
    Had my triac nearly ten years with bt35 atc and never had to top oil up.
    Yea that's what I was thinking...seemed wrong to me...

    He dose say the guy he got it from mentioned topping it up now and again so it must have a problem, surely oil loss you can see as it escapes...

  7. #7
    Can only be leaking, it's not like it uses oil.

    You can adjust the various atc up/down and in/put movements, maybe the carousel isn't positioning the tool high enough.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by andy_con View Post
    Can only be leaking, it's not like it uses oil.

    You can adjust the various atc up/down and in/put movements, maybe the carousel isn't positioning the tool high enough.
    Maybe, although Nemo has said "I filled it and it works fine again" so I think your correct its leaking and just needs some TLC.

  9. #9
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    The release cylinder is an air over hydraulic intensifier that pushes out a spring loaded piston.

    It's most likely got a slight weep.
    If it's taking a long time for the oil level to reduce enough to cause issues, I probably wouldn't be too concerned.
    Avoiding the rubbish customer service from AluminiumWarehouse since July '13.

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