I produce 4x-5x what I use, and get paid peanuts for it.
This is ok.
Peak is 10kWh+, for 6 hours of high production, 10 hours of some production.
Avg use is about 600-800 W with 4-8 kWh when washing machines etc are in use.

You state 11 MWh of production/yr.
/360 = 0.03 = 30 kWh /day.
= 3 kWh x 10 hours per day.
This is incredible.

What panels do You have and how many ?

Quote Originally Posted by A_Camera View Post

I think that's a severely incorrect assumption.

Yes? Well, I am not so sure.
Besides, how would you transport the power from say the Kalahari, or the Australian desert to Europe? You are a bit optimistic or naive... I don't know which, but it is better if Europe makes itself independent and starts producing enough for our own use.
Solar, wind, water and nuclear energy combined is the future, not electricity produced in the Sahara region or even further away. That's just a dream, which could have a worse outcome than that idiot Putin's stopping the gas to Europe causes.