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31-08-2022 #1
Been on my mind for awhile and after hearing and watching all these small businesses starting to fail due to the crisis my thoughts are with you guys. How are you all coping?
03-09-2022 #2
It's not good. I tried to renew my contract last month but my energy provider won't do it as they say "prices are too volatile".
04-09-2022 #3
03-09-2022 #4
Im in Spain, near Barcelona.
Just installed 10 kW nominal PV array, 3-p, and our costs dropped from 400 to 100 with a further 100 reduction to come soonish == near 0 power costs.
The critical path is:
We could finance this aka had the money or credit.
We had plenty of roof space well orientated aka "towards the sun".
Donīt need the PV company financing at 300% of project costs over 10 years.
The company wanted to do 2 major errors in the installs - i stopped.
Probably, 90% of clients would not know about dc line transmissions loss,
or care about visible installations infrastructure.
04-09-2022 #5
04-09-2022 #6
PV just does not work out well in scandinavia, and is so-so to marginal in the UK territories.
Itīs hard on You guys, and I symphatise, but theres nothing anyone can do.
At some point a high-power transmission line, probably a superconductor, will be feasible to connect northern europe with say sahara.
Just as a thought exercise, a 10 x 10 km PV plant of 100% efficiency would generate as much power as the whole of the earth currently uses.
At our current 20% efficiency rating it would need a 50x10 km area to power the whole earth --
in reality, 3 plants spread throughout the world so the sun always shines somewhere.
04-09-2022 #7
That's nonsense. I have a similar installation and produce a bit more than half of my yearly electricity needs, which is 11 MWh using solar energy. My bill was zero during four months per year the last three years. I get paid for the unused energy, and during this year it meant a pretty good income so far. Of course, during the winter there is very little production and all is used by me plus I have to buy as well. Nevertheless solar power is very good investment in Scandinavia as well, and even though I live in the southern part of it, it is quite a bit north of the northern part of Scotland.
Thank you. Though I personally prefer the climate of the north than the heat in Barcelona, especially during the summer.
To be honest, we don't need to make us even more dependent of shit hole countries, quite the opposite, the less we depend on them the better it is. It's enough that we have to increase the oil flow from those, because of an other shit hole country dictator, Adolf Putin, decided to start an invasion war against his neighbour causing all this crap for everyone.
I think that's a severely incorrect assumption.
Yes? Well, I am not so sure. Besides, how would you transport the power from say the Kalahari, or the Australian desert to Europe? You are a bit optimistic or naive... I don't know which, but it is better if Europe makes itself independent and starts producing enough for our own use. Solar, wind, water and nuclear energy combined is the future, not electricity produced in the Sahara region or even further away. That's just a dream, which could have a worse outcome than that idiot Putin's stopping the gas to Europe causes.Last edited by A_Camera; 04-09-2022 at 03:17 PM.
05-09-2022 #8
We have been trying to get a solar PV quote from a company with a good reputation since February. They originally said we should be sorted by September or October but keep getting repeat orders from a commercial client so we dont make it up the list. They have stopped quoting for new enquiries but no sign of us getting any further up the list. They also mentioned shortages of panels and other parts.
We also tried 3 other places but they are all busy and not quoting for new business currently.
We have been using the time to research all the options including storage batteries, optimisers and so on. It is a bit of a minefield and all we can hope to do is try to work out what questions we need to ask otherwise we will get a nice little system that is easy to install but maybe not what we need. For example there are different batteries depending on if you want to buy and sell (high cycle).
Its a bit like saying you want a CNC machine. OK, well what do you need to do and what are the specs? Hopefully we will get there in the end!
05-09-2022 #9
The issue here is not so much the high latitude (which gives you long sunlight hours in summer), but cloud cover due to being close to an Atlantic coast. I guess in Sweden you are shielded from that by the Norwegian mountains to some extent. The other thing that's a real b***er now in the UK is that if you put in a new installation you don't get a decent payback for energy exported to the grid anymore.
05-09-2022 #10
I produce 4x-5x what I use, and get paid peanuts for it.
This is ok.
Peak is 10kWh+, for 6 hours of high production, 10 hours of some production.
Avg use is about 600-800 W with 4-8 kWh when washing machines etc are in use.
You state 11 MWh of production/yr.
/360 = 0.03 = 30 kWh /day.
= 3 kWh x 10 hours per day.
This is incredible.
What panels do You have and how many ?
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