Hi John, thank you for that.

1 PC to many machines Is common and works fine. what I am considering is

1 PC - 1 motion controller - 2 machines

I am sure that I have read about somebody doing this with parallel port switchboxes but I think with the UC300ETH there are plenty of connections to do this without any extra switching.

here lies the next problem cnc4you don't sell the UC300 only the 100 and 400

Jazzycnc sell it but only as a kit with the UCBB which adds a lot to the cost he also is out of stock or I would have bought one already lol

StoneyCNC sell it but postage and duty fees add to it a lot

though in fairness I really don't like that cnc4you prices are ex-VAT which should get them a slap these days as there is nothing to indicate that until the end of the checkout process which puts them at a similar cost Stoney even with the high delivery!

I have a new wifi dongle arriving today to continue my investigations into LinuxCNC but if it continues like this its not going to be an option..... anyone know if the UC cards could be used with LinuxCNC? I doubt it but I don't know how much use paying with Linux offline will be. I think I really need to try to configure the machine in it but I wont be buying hardware without testing so catch 22