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  1. #21
    Mxml's Avatar
    Lives in London, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 29-06-2023 Has been a member for 1-2 years. Has a total post count of 18.
    Interesting. The routoutcnc guy is still around, and he said that he would soon have a new batch of the drivers in stock. In the meantime I bought a new DM542T driver and wired it in for my X axis. Tested it and was still losing steps on the Y so decided to order another DM542T for the Y and wired it in yesterday. The whole thing taken quite a lot of moving things around in the big black control box, and troubleshooting and head scratching and even now I’m faced with issues (in Mach3, I think). I definitely see the benefit in just going with the routoutcnc driver that just screws in, but the max current of 2.5A coupled with me not knowing the origin of the lost steps issue pushed me in the direction of a new driver. Hopefully I can get it working, if not then I’ll replace the BoB and get another driver for the Z.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Mxml View Post
    the max current of 2.5A coupled with me not knowing the origin of the lost steps issue pushed me in the direction of a new driver.
    I had a lost steps issue with the Routout CNC box, it turned out to be EMF from the spindle drive, I replaced the DC spindle motor and driver but if I'd known it at the time Twisted Pair wiring for the limit/home switches and stepper motors might have solved the issue.
    You think that's too expensive? You're not a Model Engineer are you? :D

  3. #23
    Mxml's Avatar
    Lives in London, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 29-06-2023 Has been a member for 1-2 years. Has a total post count of 18.
    Oh nice tip, thanks. I don’t have limit/home switches but could twist the stepper wires into pairs. If it persists then I’ll give it a go.

    Right now I’m battling a new issue - as soon as I had the X and Y axes wired up and working, mach3 decides to begin acting strangely (will jog fine, but will not move these axes when running Gcode). At first I though it HAD to be something to do with how I had wired it up as that was the only change, but my mach3 profile works fine with on another computer I tested. Almost finished… hopefully.

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