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Thread: Axyz millennium

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  1. #11
    Thank you Routerdriver
    Really appreciate your help bud, I really do ,Thank you
    Going to have another go tomorrow evening and will keep you updated and will post a few photos on here on the progress.

  2. #12
    Hi all
    One more question. Will axyz toolpath software work on Windows 10 before I go and buy it.

  3. #13
    The screenshot of your computer suggests that you already have it.Have you ever clicked on the icon to check? Quite a few years ago I heard that Toolpath wouldn't work with Windows 7! AXYZ may prefer you to buy some newer software.Whether you actually need to is something you may determine after trying to use what already appears to be available.

  4. #14
    Hi bud
    Yes I have it and I have only managed to send one file over so far using toolpath as I have only seen the lights on the box RS485 come on once so am not sure if it's a faulty box but I am not a 100% sure if I maybe doing something wrong in the software, can you talk me through the process of sending a file across to the cnc and how I should be doing it and the right format .
    Cnc shop wanted £485 for the RS485 box but found a new one on ebay for £45 even if it's not the box it can be a spare .
    I forgot how much fun all this was lol

  5. #15
    If you managed to send a file,you've cracked it!Its a year or two since I had to fight Toolpath and I wasn't using it to create programs.I suggest you try not to as well,it is from a very different time and may well have an 8 character file name length limit which was common in the days before Windows 95...
    If you can see the files already in the controller you can assume the comms side of things is correctly set up.To send a file you have to select it then go to output-Send-Transmit.It isn't a fast process as I believe it has a 9600 baud rate-again a legacy from earlier times.
    When you get to creating your own programs you need to find some software that can post process to a suitable file format I believe.nc is the preferred type but .txt will probably work.

    If you have a manual it will tell you how to determine tool length,although they describe it as qualifying the tool.You absolutely have to understand the use of F4 and F8 before cutting anything.If its going wrong then F9 is the function you need.

  6. #16
    Am on it bud
    This is going to be one hell of a learning curve for me, just a thought is there anyway of brining it into the 20th century . Just a thought.
    Am writing a program in v carve Pro and saving it to a stick ready for transferring tomorrow I will do one in nc and one in tex and see how we get on with it

  7. #17
    Bingo and just like that , it's all working perfectly.
    Write the program what I want in v,carve Pro and send it across. Perfect.
    Just took delivery of some lovely white marble slabs 400x400x25mm and that will be on my list of things to do very soon.
    One cock up I did make is to order a full set of ER 32 collets
    and it's only ER 20 , bugger .
    Thank you Routerdriver for all your input with this machine, really couldn't have done it without your support.

  8. #18
    Good to know it worked out.Make haste slowly and be careful when working with material of a different thickness.

  9. #19
    Exactly Routerdriver
    Small steps, one at a time,
    But two things that baffles me is how do you get the suds working, the pot on top of the machine is full but and have tried it while working and stopped but no suds come through.
    And secondly I want to grease all the rails but there is not enough room to get a standard size grease gun in to grease everything or is it a certain type that I need to get.

  10. #20
    I know nothing about suds,there might be a setting in Vcarve that would activate it if there isn't a tap.Are you sure it isn't an autolube system?

    For greasing the rails you will need a special nozzle and AXYZ will be delighted to sell you one.Store it carefully because they aren't exactly cheap.

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