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Thread: Axyz millennium

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  1. #31
    Right I will have a play with that bud , yes I did notice the lack of input ������

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by petesos View Post
    Right I will have a play with that bud , yes I did notice the lack of input
    I suspect that one reason is that this is a commercially-built machine and not many forum members are familiar with it. I have absolutely no idea myself!

    However, the first thing that comes to mind is how you are setting tool height when switching between tools. This has to be done very carefully for obvious reasons and I don't know how you are achieving this. Is there a tool setter? Quick-change tool holders? Tool changer? Competely manual?

    I have used Vectric Vcarve quite a lot and it is my go-to tool for woodworking projects (I use Fusion 360 and Solid Edge for engineering jobs). I have done a bit of relief carving for various projects but too long ago to remember all the Vcarve toolpath generation options. Can you post screen grabs of your Vcarve CAM settings for the roughing and finishing passes? Might help give a bit of insight into what's going on.

  3. #33
    Well after many trial runs and a lot of head scratching and walking to and from the workshop I finally realised what I was doing wrong.
    When the roughing cut has been done and I need to change from a 6mm end mill to a 3mm bullnose and reset toolheight I was entering the new tool height and resetting the tool bottom and resetting tool height when I didn't need to and the last couple of jobs I have Done by only setting the new tool and just pressing enter everything is working perfect .
    So regardless of me thinking it's a crap machine and not fit for purpose as in many cases I am sure that it boils down to operator error, its just we get so involved with the problem that we don't see where we are going wrong .
    I wonder how often this happens in our lives .
    A big thank you Routerdriver

  4. #34
    Glad to help.I had similar battles as I got to grips with the AXYZ way of doing things.There really was no need for a load of new hardware and software once you delve a bit deeper.How long was it taking to transfer the longer sequences?

  5. #35
    Transfer from PC to machine probably takes about 2 or 3 minutes with a size of 200mmx200mm .
    Just one more question, on the axyz software it also has dnc files settings, what a all that about , tried googling them but just came up with dance moves Lol

  6. #36
    I've never found a reason to use DNC.It is an abbreviation of Drect Numerical Control.Back in the days when a Sinclair Spectrum was a useful home computer,there was often very little memory in a controller and this was a way to use the memory and processor of a computer to control the sending of the code.

  7. #37
    Perfect bud
    I won't be using that at all now or even trying to use it as everything is working fine.
    Cheers bud

  8. #38
    Hi all
    I have identified a problem that I can't get my head round.

    If I write a pocket program in vcarve Pro the software simulation shows a pocket then I save it to a memory stick and send it to the machine . The machine only cuts an outline of the pocket and doesn't do the pocket.
    I have watched countless videos on YouTube and followed them exactly but the machine still only cuts the outline of the pocket, any idea's would be appreciated as to what is wrong

  9. #39
    The obvious question is whether you had ticked the boxes of all operations before you post processed the data.Unless you do,you might not have included all phases of the intended operation.

  10. #40
    Hi bud
    Am sure I did but I will double check with that tomorrow as the Mrs is on my back as I have been in the shed all day lol

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