So a long awaited update on my Novamill situation.

The day after my last post I took a call from Brian at CNC4U, where he made some suggestions to get me running again.
The one thing that helped most was to use a higher quality cable from the UC100 controller-pc. Seems there is a lot of stray EMF and cheap cables don't have enough shielding.

Combined with the help I've had here I was able to finish the project I was working on.
Once again my thanks to everyone on this forum.

That leaves me with just one issue; the limit/home switches don't work unless virtual limits are set. If I lose my initial datums for some reason (light smashing into the part) I have to start again because I have no references.

Activation lights in Mach3 show the X/Y switches working (no Z though) but when I reference the table just runs over the switches until it hits a hard stop and spins the leadscrews.

It was mentioned in a previous post that Novamill switches are inductive, so the question is; do I try to replace them with mechanical switches, or can they be made to work as they are?

My workaround idea is to add a pin or hole on the bed somewhere are a permanent reference. That way I can get back to datum if things go wrong.

Any advice would be welcome. Thank you.