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Thread: Axyz memory

  1. #1
    Hi all
    Am asking the question that is it at all possible to expand the memory size on the axyz millennium cnc, some files i send to the machine come up with not enough memory ??? so is there a simple fix to sort this or do i just suck it up .
    Thank you all in advance

  2. #2
    Without knowing more about your work methods,its difficult to make precise recommendations.My first thought is that you might check for old files in the memory that could be deleted to make space.If the file you are attempting to load is too large for a clean memory then you may have to resort to DNC from the computer that would otherwise transfer the file.Which may require the purchase of some software from AXYZ.

  3. #3
    Hi Routerdriver
    Thank you for the reply bud, Typically my jobs are about 300mm x 400mmx40mm all pretty much small stuff.
    I create a model in either Vcarve pro or Aspire even the odd Cut 3d job . When i pass it to the machine in ANC mode and the job size is any bigger than 300x400 it comes back NOT ENOUGH MEMORY .
    I have a metre work bed and am looking to do a massive wall piece for my living room using the tiled mode in aspire so it would be handy to utilise the whole bed.

    When i load the axyz software it does come up with either use ANC or DNC but i pretty much always use ANC mode is DNC mode much different or can do more , i will do some research

    Before i load any work onto the machine i always need to erase the memory.


  4. #4
    A couple of points;both here and elsewhere in cyberspace there are people pulling AXYZ machines apart so that they can change controllers or hardware so there may be some hardware gathering dust on shelves that you could ask questions about.The other option i to break up the area of your job so that the file size shrinks to something the machine will accept.I have some knowledge of Vectric characteristics,but not Aspire and i have used Vcarve for 3D work in spite of the limitations.My suggestion is that you might be able to use vectors-on extra layers- to create boundaries that act as the limits of your cutting area and select them when defining the area you are dealing with.A bit of overlap may be useful to avoid ridges where two zones meet.

    I tried the technique when trying to finish areas that had sharper creases than the larger ball end cutter I was using for speed and finish quality overall couldn't access.It would have been absurd to go over the entire job with a tiny cutter so I created arbitrary boundaries and the process succeeded.The more comprehensive CAM software alternatives can do this automatically if you select a cleanup or leftover option with the tools defined.The less comprehensive range of options in Vcarve can do much the same but you may have to define the boundaries more than once to get total coverage.

  5. #5
    m_c's Avatar
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    I've never used any kind of AXYZ control, but DNC is basically drip feed, where you need a computer connected to the machine with suitable software, that sends the instructions as the machine requests them, and nothing is stored on the machine itself.

    However I'm wondering about the size limitation.
    Usually the size limitation is a memory limit, not a work area limit. Is there possibly a setting issue somewhere?
    Avoiding the rubbish customer service from AluminiumWarehouse since July '13.

  6. #6
    I have little doubt that the project being considered is a heavily featured 3D item and that memory size is the limiting factor,but I stand to be corrected.Which is why I proposed breaking down the job into smaller sectors.

    DNC would definitely do the job if it is installed on the computer but it may lead to a spectacularly long machining sequence if the machine memory was indeed the cause of the problem.

  7. #7
    Thanks for all the replies guys
    Typical size that i am machining is around the 400mm by 300mm x40mm and that would be a clock face and yes it does have a good bit of detail on the front but not really an intense detail as its only for my bar and am a good distance away from it , typical tooling used is a 6 mm endmill and a 3 mm ballnose .
    I think i should try what routerdriver has suggested and look at layering and tiling the job and especially when i start the wall art panel for the Bathroom wall , i was just wondering if it was ever possible to expand the memory on the machine.
    By the way guys i have an amount of English yew slabs that has been in the dry for a few years 40mm thick and one piece is about 1.5 mtrs long by 350 wide if you have a use for it , i don't want anything for it just have it but you need to collect from Gloucestershire.

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