. .
  1. #1
    I need to reduce rapid speed for all axes (X, Y & Z) from machine parameters of Mikron HSM 700. When it is moving maximum speed (5000), it having abnormal sound. I repaired X & Y screws week a go. There is no any noise when it moving slow speed.


  2. #2
    You might want to give a bit more information such as what machine and controller you have. Also, what is the question - are you not sure where to make the changes?

  3. #3

    Machine is Mikron 700 and control system is Heidenhain Atek (HS Plus). When I am doing a Job, I reduce rapid speed from manually from potencial meter. But I need to reduce from Machine system parameter, Then I don't want to concentrate rapid speed allways.

  4. #4

    Please send me your contact details (WhatsApp,email)

    Thank you
    Chandana Nuwan

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