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  1. #1
    Hello, i'm trying to set mach3 up.

    i don't think i'm getting any step signals from my computer to my driver board so i thought it may be to do with my parallel port being a pci card

    in config>ports and pins ,port1# port address is written 0x378 but when i look for the address of my port, by going (control panel>devise manager>pci epc parallel port(LPT3)>recources>recource type>I-O =DE00-DE07)

    but whenever i type DE00-DE07 into the port address box and click o.k i just get an annoying beep and this writen in the mach3 error box 'reconfigueration estop'

    anyone got any ideas???

  2. #2
    How about the dinosaur approach?

    Pull up an MSDOS prompt,

    debug <return>
    d40:0 <return>
    q <return>

    That dumps the memory where the port addresses are kept and exits debug.

    The first half of the top line is the serial ports, the second half is the parallel ports.
    Low byte first so BC 07 would be 07BCh

    exit <return> Gets you out of it.

  3. #3
    cheers m8 but still no joy :(

  4. #4
    Have you tried putting the "0x" beforehand, and just the first value - i.e. "0xDE00"?

    I'm pretty sure you can't put a range of addresses in (and if it's got "0x" beforehand, then put "0x" in). Unfortunately, I don't use Mach3, so I can't say exactly what you need to do; I'm just going on your description.

  5. #5
    cheers tribbles i think thats proberly it, still no movement but thats proberly just down to me not realizing that i had to allocate the correct pins and all the other stuff i only vaguely undrestand....

  6. #6
    Have you watched the tutorial videos on the mach3 website. They explain in detail how to find the paralell port address and how to configure the motors.

    Here they are http://www.machsupport.com/videos/

  7. #7
    cheers Pavlo, theres some good info there, very handy

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