Quote Originally Posted by dickieto View Post
hi vic
looks like a very sturdy design, how long did it take you to draw up your plans?
could i ask was it solid works you used? as i am learning autocad at night school but would be struggling to draw that kind of design.:confused:
what are you planning on cutting with it wood or alloy? i am no expert but i think your idea of two ball screws each side would be the best for alloy etc.
could you use one stepper and two toothed belts out to each side, just a thought!
hope you get started with the real thing soon.and keep use posted

Hi Tom

I use Autodesk Inventor 2010, very similar to Solidworks, making the model doesnt take that long it's thinking about the design thats time consuming and constantly changing stuff, it's difficult to know when to stop

I still use ACAD but usually only to look at customer/supplier drawings that have been done in that format, I've been using Inventor professionally for about 4 1/2 years and really like it.

I want to cut wood with the router, model aircraft parts and general wood working bits and pieces, occasional light ally would be nice but I don't think I'd be doing much of that and don't think that this machine would be rigid enough.

I also think that the twin ballscrew or some sort of drive on both sides would be better but built this around my single ballscrew, hoping I can pick up some ideas about how to improve things before I start