Quote Originally Posted by Lee Roberts View Post
Great news, im pleased for you Hank was very kind of you Kn8, i would love to see the pics of the mounts your going to be making in the acrylic Hank. A build log for this conversion would be cool to follow as well ! CHOP CHOP ! :heehee:
Re photos of the mounts - I'm not sure they'd be up to the std required on here! lol

Basically I've separated those white leadscrew nuts pictured above (there were three small hex head bolts holding them to their mounts) ...my tack here was to source a rectangular piece of 'mount' material deep enough for the leadscrew nuts to insert into (about 30mm deep....and because I didn't have any acrylic that deep, I've glued some sheets together...transparent arylic about 20mm thick & two pieces of blue acrylic sheet about 5mm thick! Very blue peter-esque!) .

The leadscrew nut 'extended' bit is 20mm diameter so it's just a matter of boring a 20mm hole through the middle of the acrylic & then attaching the the lot to the underside of each plane's table.

Sounds awful & I'm sure not up to anything other than hobby standards....but have you seen the price of proper nut mounts