Hi All,
As said in my new member intro, I hope to get my workshop built,fitted out and up and running this year sometime, fingers crossed,anyway the mechanical side of things I should be fine with,the dark area for me is the software side,I have downloaded a few cam programs to have a look at and I think cut2d is the one I will go for as it suits my needs,plus my brain(easy to use).My first question as I don't have a machine here to try it on,is could someone please tell me when exporting from cut2d to mach does everything seem ok?.Then next thing I wanted to ask about is cad,I have had a look at a few 2D ones and after a struggle I manage to get my head round them, and this is all I need for the machining I will be doing,however I would like a 3D cad program for sketching out ideas for myself and posting on forums etc,have downloaded viaCAD 3D but find it a bit hard to get my head round,is there anyone who could point me in the right direction for a easy to use 3D cad program,something like cut3d's step by step approach but for 3d cad would be nice,or a 2D to 3D cad converter program maybe, if such a thing exists.
