Intriguing photos pcstru, the machine looks somewhat smaller than I imagined when viewed in your (presumably) average sized garage. I'd be very interested to hear of any sign of losing steps on the X axis motors. I am assuming teutonic thoroughness means that they will have over-specified the motor torque to avoid getting either of them close to stalling - but what of a steep approach into your large slice of chesnut and my planned, shall we say, more 'sculptural' shapes in thick hardwoods? However, for starters, I hope to be doing fairly light modelmaking not that dissimilar to your clock projects. Unfortunately all this is still wishful thinking in that the super shed with super flat congrete base is a first necessity - I did say this was a long way off project!

Thanks for keeping me posted and no doubt others will be interested to hear of your exploits with your new machine too.

Best regards
