Quote Originally Posted by HiltonSteve View Post
Wobbly, I hear what you are saying regarding the cost of the drivers and we may be able to come up with another option to reduce the price. They may not have all features or be of the same quality as the ones which you can get from Zapp or DIYCNC but they may work well as a starting point. Not promising anything at this stage but watch this space...
I do not want to sound ungrateful because I am not, I have the plans for a 1200 X 800 Gantry style machine and a 4' X 2' surface table to use as a base. I am not aiming to follow the plans to the letter and I may have to revise my own strategy. So I am open to all ideas, I know I have to walk (hobble) before I can run.

I appear to have interest in a product I could put together and I cannot afford to ignore the chance of income.

You can be sure of one thing ... I shall be following this thread closely and will make use of any and all the developments I can.