I think these need regrinding (I would if this was a car crankshaft, but maybe a lathe is different), at least the front one does, its well pitted.

Here's a view of the broken up bearing , note the small pieces of my carefully tapped oiler hole :(, the bearing material went right up through the headstock casting. Does this suggest they might have been poured in situ??

and a view of the headstock with front bearing removed. Is that an oil well in the bottom? If so I dont see how it works as theres no hole in the bearing and it wasn't full of oil. Also I notice the bearing is offset in the headstock - there's considerably more metal to the right where the pinch bolt is than to the left. I have no idea how to specify this or replace it...

Finally, the rear bearing. Its intact, but do I need to replace this? Its a bit scored but otherwise doesn't look too bad.

The last pic shows clearly how offset these bearings are... would these have been manufactured/bored in place? How would I go about specifying or making new ones? have I bitten off more than I can chew? All answers gratefully received...