Thread: Round linear rail and bearings
25-07-2010 #1
Before offering them on Ebay, I thought I'd post these bits here. Due to a new machine, these are now surplus to requirements and are up for sale.
Parts are:
25mm diameter, chromed hardened linear rail, approx 1210mm long, 2off
25mm diameter, chromed hardened linear rail, approx 790mm long, 2off
20mm diameter, chromed hardened linear rail, approx 404mm long, 2off
25mm linear bearings in pillow mounting blocks to suit 25mm rail, 8off
20mm linear bearings to suit 20mm rail, 4off
25mm rail clamp flange mounts, 4off
For sale as a set, making a good starter set for a CNC machine. Rails can be cut with thin metal cutting discs and a grinder.
All parts have had light use, machining balsa and lightply, so are almost new. Slight marks here and there, but nothing to effect operation which is smooth and light.
I've added all this up and it was about £450 new, mostly from Marchant Dice except clamps which were from motioncontrolproducts.
Looking for about £260. Due to weight and size, offered as pick up only. Coventry based. Thanks for looking.
18-08-2010 #2
hi i just saw your listing of rails and i very tempted but im in devon and your in the midlands ,any idea as to possible shipping cost
18-08-2010 #3
I am interested matey, are these still available for collection? I just need to sort out some funds but shouldnt be an issue
18-08-2010 #4
Hi Guys,
Thanks for your interest, but I just listed these on Ebay on Monday as I'd had no offers on here, and I now have a bidder. There are about 8 days to go so you still have a chance to win.
Due to the size and weight I've asked for collection only from Coventry, sorry bigbird42. If they don't sell for some reason, I'll let this forum know and I'll look into delivery costs and see if you are still interested.
19-08-2010 #5
How come you put them in the woodwork category,RCNC?
Shorly they should have been in....
19-08-2010 #6
Because I considered them more suitable for CNC routing and woodworking than milling.
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