I've been home anodising using the 720 LCD method for years with good & repeatable results. If you follow the rules it's easy.

Caswell have an excellent forum that caters to beginner's & experienced alike.

Anodizing Questions

You don't need to spend £100's on equipment but I'd STRONGLY recommend an investment in a constant current power supply if you don't want every run to be an experiment.

I get my acid & water from a local truck & forklift battery supplier in 25l drums, every town should have one nearby, ask at your local forklift hire & sales Co'. Caustic soda should be readily available from any 'proper' DIY hardware shop, I get mine from Wilko's at £2ish for 500g.

Most of my failed runs in the early days were down to using alu' wire for the part or allowing the temp in the tank to rise too much. Now I use titanium welding rods & a bilge pump to circulate the acid.