Thread: Robin's smt Pick and Place build
27-11-2010 #11
First idea was to use adapted aquarium pump - didn't work, vaccum was ok but not enough flow. Also vacuum was kinda "pulsed". For small parts OK, but big parts - big problems
So I used old refrigerator compressor and fiddled up two relays to operate as two valves: first to "let vaccum enter nozzle" and other to "devacuum nozzle" (so component can be released fast). Big mess, all together.
If I can suggest you, buy cheapest electromagnetic valve and smallest ejector, and connect this to standard compressor or source of pressurized air. Check FESTO, SMC or other manufacturers of pneumatic components for prices and options.
Pickup nozzle presses on component by it's weight only (10g maybe?); in video you can see, it moves freely up when I change nozzle.
27-11-2010 #12
Got a few hours on it today. hope to have the spadework done soon so I can start on the interesting bits
27-11-2010 #13
Z axis and rotation looks so compact... as one piece of metal.
15-12-2010 #14
Hi Robin
I have an old ECM85 Mk2 that could do with updating but i would like to make a pick & place machine myself.
I would like to make a machine that could pick up programable chip and place them on a programmer IE Pick Place and Program.
What software are you going to us or using?
I am looking at a used Quad 4C machine this week as i need one for the work i do.
Keep up the good work if i can help in anyway please contact me.
15-12-2010 #15
Hi Pete
I know very little about P'n'P machines apart from having seen someone elses in action stuffing my boards and a bit of web searching. I know even less about the software.
Progress is stalled until the workshop warms up a bit, I am a fair weather machinist. OTOH it has sprouted a couple of motors and a toothed belt since my last pic
If you are used to P'n'P software I do have a question about how other people do it before I write my own...
Board alignment: The holes do not always align 100% with the smt pads. Has that ever been a problem? How does P'n'P software help you square things up?
16-12-2010 #16
Hi Robin
The pick and place machine that i have a the minute is Dos based but i have a copy of Versatronic RV1 software.
Versatronics are not around anymore.
Many thanks
21-12-2010 #17
Hi Robin
I am selling my Dos based pick & place machine with lots of feeders it a MAMIYA ECM85MK2.
03-01-2011 #18
Hi, I'm in the middle of a similar project. So far I am good for 0805 parts, 3216 LEDs, SOT23 parts.
Re your query about software:
Mine does not have a vision system, it simply depends on accuracy of the machine driven via Mach 3 and GCode. But I don't do manual GCode.
I have a Excel Workbook with a separate spreadsheet for:
- Heads
- Feeders
- PCB Array offsets
- Each PCB
- GCode output
For each PCB I paste in the Pick Place export from my PCB CAD package. I manually redit rotation, and enter a head and feeder. I paste in a block of formulas alongside.
I then manually enter a step sequence (gives a small leeway to optimise pick up order for efficiency)
The aforementioned formulas reference the Head & Feeder sheets to calculate pick and place offsets for each head/feeder combination, and place offsets for each head/refdes combination
I also update worksheet PCBArray with the PCB name and no of PCB's in X & Y directions for this assembly run.
I then run a macro over the above which for each rotation generates GCODE to:
- Initialise all Mach 3 variables used per feeder to keep count of the the next component to come out of that feeder
Main loop:
- Pauses waiting for operator (me) to place the PCB array holder and use the USB camera to zero offset G55 to the PCB holder calibration point
- calculates and sets an offset for each PCB in the PCB array relative to G55 offset for that rotation
- creates calls to the GCode pick place subroutine for all refdes in this rotation
- creates the GCode pick place subroutine called above
= Repeat until all rotations processed
Once a PCB is setup in the workbook (which only takes 5-10 min) can be tweaked quickly, ie if a head is faulty I just edit the heads per refdes and rerun the Macro.
Seems to work so far.
05-01-2011 #19
07-01-2011 #20
Yes its morphed into a bit of a monstronsity. Although I've still a few hundred PCB's to finish running through this machine I've already started collecting bits ready for making a new one based on the experience so far. This one has 24" X & Y screws and I will stay with that size for the new one. The primary factor for speed I'm finding is lower mass, so I'm thinking an overhead gantry type machine, with 1-2 heads on each side. Heads to be pneumatic preferably for both weight, speed and built in 'give' via compression.
For rotation, I think it's actually just easier to automatically rotate the PCB's base rather than each head, particularly as my Excel GCode generator groups sets of pick place operations per each rotation already. Automatic component feeding is always in the back of mind but thus far is not necessary.
But, what I'm really interested in is fast / light mechanisms for centering components, mounted on each head...
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