I put the motor back together, just to check it still works after splitting the 3 phases - it did. So I dismantled it, soldered connecters/heatshrink on, put it back together and it didn't work. Just twitched...

Found that two of the coils were shorted together
Dismantled it again, jiggled the wires a bit and the short went, so I put it back together and it now works fine. I think I'll spray it with some insulating stuff I've got for PCBs.

Anyway, now the big bearing rattles...the motor was silent before so I'll buy a new bearing. I'm not sure if I should get metal shield like the original, or rubber sealed due to all the dust. The rubber sealed bearings are only rated for 6500rpm though - bit close?


Good news - used emery paper to just to take a little off the very and and now the bearings inside the motor fit, requires a fair bit of force but not a press fit. Angular contact bearing is still a press fit.

Started machining the housing for angular contact bearing - slow progress on my little lathe!