I got in a couple of days on the new firmware. I now have control of the knobs, buttons, motors and displays.

About 25% of that couple of days was persuading the XYZ position displays to behave themselves. Instead of TTL 7 seg display drivers they use some cack-a-mamy processor that needs to be interrupted when the direction line changes. It needs a delay after a direction change before it is prepared to start counting. No delay and it counts the wrong way. Get the delay wrong and it can go truly bananas.

No goto xyz yet, written but not tested. OTOH it does move because the Home button works. For Home I sidle up to the limit switches at 5mm/s until they are all shut. Then I back off at 2.5mm/s until they are all open. Then I wind into them again at 1mm/s. They aren't exactly brilliant, worst case repeatability is 35um out, need to think about that.

All stop now while I invent a command protocol. I want the host computer to do the sums but there is a limit on how fast i can pump information down the serial line. I need a compromise comms platform, a CCP :naughty: