Thankyou for the replies so far.

Yes H4ppy Chris I've looked at e-bay, it's where I first saw the 3040T. I've even contacted a few of the recent buyers of the 3040T, so far everyone has been satisfied.
One guy in Finland even blogged about it but there are loads of technical terms which go way over my head.

Michael, I hadn't really given to much thought past the headline price. I didn't figure on tariffs + VAT. The price is likely to be nearer £1300... quite a bit more. The support and warranty are even more worrying especially as a novice in the field.
I've seen some videos on YouTube on building a machine but I really can't see myself being that hardcore. I imagine it takes loads of time and patience. I've got loads of patience but I reckon I would never get finished.

Okay, I've thought of a second way. It came to me whilst gardening after reading your replies. Please feel free to shoot this down if you think it is a non-starter..

I have built up a very good relationship with my manufacturers, they are very trustworthy. I pay my manufacturers in China $890 + shipping cost, they purchase the machine on my behalf. Support and warranty will be easier to manage from their end. shipping will be much lower. VAT and tariffs may be eliminated. I get my games made more accurately.
