Over the last few years I've used many CAM packages but never really stuck with one of them. I've tried MasterCAM, FeatureCAM, BobCAM, SolidCAM and I have also looked at a few on the web. Now the time has come because I no longer have access to the software to purchase my own.

I'm using Mach3 as my CNC controller so one of the selection critria is the Mach3 post processor. Also I currently have a CNC milling machine and at some point would want a CNC lathe so the software would have to do both....at some point. The milling is most important at the moment.

Also cost is a factor. If possiable less than a £1k.

What do people think would be a good selection? User friendly and rapid output would be good. Also imports Solidworks models

I have been looking closely at OneCNC and SprutCAM are these good contenders?
