Thread: CNC Plasma Cutter For Sale
27-06-2011 #1
Hi All,
Long story short, I am in the position of needing to sell an almost new CNC Plasma Cutter. I don't know a great deal about it and I'm no expert on these things so please bear with me.
The setup comprises
- 4'x8' EZ APC Made by EZ-Router Inc
- THC 300 Torch height controller
- A 4'x4' digitising tablet
- An 8 CFM Compressor
- A Millerweld 27 plasma cutter
- All the software included with the APC (Cut2D, SheetCam, Mach3D etc)
- Additional software for generating standard and custom HVAC joints etc
- The PC as supplied by EZ-Router Inc, all installed and working
I understand that this setup cost in the region of $17,000 US dollars. I will try to dig up copies of the original invoices just to confirm.
A single sheet of 2mm steel is all that has ever sat on the machine while we learnt the software etc, so it all really is in as new condition.
I have no idea what this equipment is worth second hand, but I'm guessing that most equipment is worth about 50% of new value. I'm happy to be corrected or nudged in the right direction if appropriate.
The setup can be seen fully working in Colchester, North Essex.
Kind Regards
04-07-2011 #2
Hi Bill,
I am intending to build a 2m * 1m cnc plasma cutter, but after seeing your post I may be reconsidering. Does your system run on single phase? Also, do you yet know how much you would like for it? I expect my budget will probably dictate that I have to build it myself, but it`s worth enquiring, especially as I am only in Sudbury, Suffolk.
Thanks in advance
05-07-2011 #3
Hi Geoff,
Yes, only 15 miles away certainly worth enquiring. The 17k USD cost as new, converts to a little under £11k sterling. As I said above, I am working on 50% for secondhand as a guesstimate. It really is all in as new condition.
So, withuot knowing the market for second hand equipment like this, I'm thinking aroud £5,000, but happy to be nudged/corrected if appropriate.
I can email you some photos, and you're also more than welcome to come and take a look at it if you wish.
I'm going to be leaving the ads to run on the forum for a few weeks, if not sold I'll chance my arm on Ebay. If the 5k is a bit steep, put in an offer (by PM if you prefer) I won't be offended!
Kind Regards
22-07-2011 #4
Now Sold
Kind Regards
17-07-2012 #5
New user, 1 post, mention of help with importing..... I can't see a button for "report post" but my instinct says that is what is needed. I do hope (and am happy to be proved) I'm wrong.
Kind Regards to All
P.S. The machine was bought by lockyg above for his metalcraft workshop. We had great fun shifting and moving it, but it was lovely to see it go to a good home. I know I'm being soppy and sentimental but it belonged to a dear friend of mine who had not long bought it before he sadly passed away.
17-07-2012 #6
Only thing missing was the "I want to pay by Western Union 7K more and you send me the difference"
Anyway why do they need plasma cutters in Addis Ababa, you can cut camel shoes using sunlight reflected off a Hienz baked bean tin.
Report post button is the triangel bottom left centre.John S -
17-07-2012 #7
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