. .
  1. #1
    Hi All

    So I had my router a couple of days and did two programs that ran fine, but I found some plans for a simple vacuum table so thought I would make one about 12" square to do smaller stuff on, so opened the dxf file I drew in artcam, did all the tool paths etc, and then saved it for my router, then set the router up, (tool height sensor) set it running and the router bit is almost an inch above the work when running.

    I thought I had set it up wrong but if I just cancel that program and run one of the other two programs using the same height and placement setting, it works fine, just anything I done since last night sits almost an inch above the work.

    I know I must have done something, but can't work out what and its driving me mad. I did join the artcam forum, but they have to approve your account first and don't seem over quick to do that.

    So I know it's a long shot, but was having such fun now I finally got it, only to be stopped dead, but something I don't understand how or why it's doing it.

    Many thanks anyway.

    J Don

  2. #2
    Hi m8

    No I do everything in metric, but find it's odd because the first two programs I did work fine, but anything new doesn't seem to work right. I re-did the vac bed program, but now find the bit drops to the cutting height; still a good 20mm above the work piece then runs across to where it needs to start, and had it been cutting would have gone straight across the workface, instead of travelling then dropping down.

    I'm going to uninstall the program and start again, as still no joy from the artcam fourm.


  3. #3
    Sounds like you do not have a minus set on the 'Z' moves if it drops lower to move then goes up. Do i have that correct?
    If the nagging gets really bad......Get a bigger shed:naughty:

  4. Either has not safe Z set or the code is setting Z to cutting depth before moving. Common problem with some g-code programs. With BobCAD you have to taylor the post processor or it will skim over at Z0 to the first cutting location which is not good practice. Check your code as that will tell you the moves and will also tell you that units it thinks it is working in. From there it should be pretty straight forward on finding where the error is. Fixing it will be finding where that control for z is in the ArtCAM set up.


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by m.marino View Post
    skim over at Z0 to the first cutting location which is not good practice
    I'd call it dangerous not 'not good practice'.

    It sounds like at some point the Z-axis direction definition got inverted - i.e. positive downwards not upwards.

    Can you post a sample of the code then we should be able to tell what's wrong immediately.

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