Quote Originally Posted by tumutbound View Post
If you have practical experience with the 6040, what areas do you see problems with? I don't expect it to be a particularly fast machine, given the testing of working axis I done so far, but sufficient for what I want to do.
Like I said in my first post I dont have any hands-on experience with this exact machine but I do have plenty of experience of similiar built machines. Mainly because I end up helping those that bought them to either fix them or replace them with better design and components. Often selling and replacing with a new machine because it's cheaper and easier.
Unfortunatly I see too often people buy these type machines thinking they are better than they really are only to be sadly disappointed. This was my main reason for posting to make aware the not so obvious and just hopefully make them stand back and look a little closer.!! . . . . When on a budget and new to CNC machines it's bit like looking at Women when you have the goggles on.? . . . .Man do you regret it in the morning.:confused:

The problems don't tend to be speed related, thou it does affect feed rate to some degree. It's more poor design and mechanicly related to do with the un-supported rails and flimsy build of the gantry and Z axis. They tend flex and twist, this only gets worse as the new-ness wears off. How much is hard to say and like you mentioned will greatly depend on the Type of work and material you work with.
What I would say is if you have need for high accurecy and desire to cut harder materials, Ali, brass even some of the harder woods then prepare to be dissapointed and work very very slowly.