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  1. #21
    Well, That was a healthy discussion. Maybe I should have just said ...uncooked spaghetti and saved you some time. Maybe also I can get some beer off you one day. I will stand corrected on this one and slink back into the corner. It would also be nice if some of the 600 or so people that have read this post would contribute as well. :-)

    Your right, I don't come here often but I do like the threads here and some of the machine builds are very clever and VERY well made. I think when I joined up I was member #86 but didn't come back very often as there wasn't too much on here that interested me at the time then the site underwent an upgrade and all my previous posts were lost. No big deal really.

    SO, back to the original point of this thread, what do you recommend?

  2. #22
    How comes my answer is above yours? when i answered it afterwards?
    If the nagging gets really bad......Get a bigger shed:naughty:

  3. #23
    I had a double post and edited it out probably at the same time you posted. :)

    I made a small wood router years ago with 1/4" wide belts and size 17 steppers that had an area of about 12 x 12 inches and they worked very well. the spindle was a model plane brushless motor with a small fan on top to keep it cool while it spun. I didn't notice any stretch on the belts and probably wouldn't with the small motors.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by baccus61 View Post
    Well, That was a healthy discussion. Maybe I should have just said ...uncooked spaghetti and saved you some time. Maybe also I can get some beer off you one day.
    Can't beat a good healthy disscusion and if You pay my plane fair, I'll buy the beer and we can discuss CNC machines untill you passout.!!. . . . Erm hold on thou your an Oz'y so it may be cheaper tother way round.

    Ok then back to it.!!. . . Think I've said this before.?? I've built a few small belt machines and they work great if correctly sized pulleys and ratio.!. . . .BUT . . . with experience it really doesn't workout much cheaper than buying ballscrews from china and the difference is night and day.! . . . . . So I vote can't beat a good screw..:naughty:

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by 2e0poz View Post
    Go for screws, if it is small machine then have a go at belts as does work very well :-)..........glad i stayed out of that one for once......
    Your just going soft. . .

  6. #26
    Just call me cheese :exclaim:
    If the nagging gets really bad......Get a bigger shed:naughty:

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by 2e0poz View Post
    Just call me cheese :exclaim:
    Ok then your a "Stinking bishop". . :tup:

  8. #28
    ok Cheddar less of the bishop:lmao:
    If the nagging gets really bad......Get a bigger shed:naughty:

  9. #29
    Well Jazz, if you want to have a beer with me then I'll meet you in Antarctica next year on Feb 11. I'll be on the Antarctic peninsula. Don't worry about the ice box as I think it will be cold enough......and it will be room temperature. Just the way the UK likes it. I don't drink too much now as I'm too old for that but 30 years ago I might have given you a run for your money.

    How do you keep the crud out of the ballscrews? It's something I have had a lot of thought on over the years. The leather strap/thong draped over them with a weight seems to get 90% of the stuff away from getting caught up in them.

    Thank God for the Chinese and their cheap parts. It makes our hobby just that much more affordable. Ten years ago when I started building CNC stuff there wasn't much second hand stuff around and I wasted a lot of money buying stuff I thought MIGHT do at a pinch. Most of it is still sitting in the tool box and cupboards. There has been no better time to build CNC machines than now and also with the American dollar at an all time low and the market being flooded with new parts for second hand prices. I am jealous. The advent of all these Forums has also helped tremendously.

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