Quote Originally Posted by JunkieHobbo View Post
I have looked through the Forum and have seen a machine similar to JAZZCNC with lower sides, made by Jonathan. I have PM'd him to see if he can post more pics of it as it looks like it would do the Job.

I'm sorry I forgot to reply to your PM earlier about pictures of my machine and things. Had a bit more work than usual to do at Uni. Looks like Jazz has saved me the trouble of answering lots of questions :)
There's quite a few pictures in my build-log, especially towards the end:


(starts off embarrassingly bad then gets better!)

There are a few things I will change on the machine. Essentially just a stronger Y and Z-axis with profile rails, but like Jazz I have an 'unusual extra strength' design for that. Instead of having one piece across the gantry there will be two, with one Y-rail on each, and a box shaped the Z-axis operating between. Having said that it's still strong enough to cut aluminium at a decent speed 1.5mm DOC, or more with reduced finish which is not bad considering only round rails. I just want to see how much better I can make it...

If you need any more of specific parts just let me know and I'll take them.

I'd be inclined to add some triangles to that frame to stop it skewing.