Thread: DIY spindle design
18-08-2012 #41
You can expect much better than 50% efficiency from this type of motor - more like 80-90%
At best it's the peak power rating, but how they define peak power is anyone's guess. Take it with a pinch of salt - I just go by the mass of the motor and dimensions of the stator. Bear in mind in their intended application these motors have a big propeller on the front blowing plenty of air through them which is clearly going to allow higher power than in our application which has barely any cooling by comparison. Ultimately the power rating is just a thermal limit, so if you can cool it well then you can get more power without the insulation breaking down prematurely. Either way it's plenty for what you need so I wouldn't worry too much...
19-08-2012 #42
Would anyone be able to make/sell me one of these spindles? If so how much would it cost?
19-08-2012 #43
19-08-2012 #44
For fairly light usage cutting plastic, aluminium and maybe MDF. Also possibly wood. Probably 6mm flute bits max.
Would a spindle like the ones in this thread be suitable for that?
Thanks for the quick response.
11-09-2015 #45
OK so I've purchased everything to make the mechanics work, but I'm still a little confused as to how to control this wit the pmw controller output on the breakout board. I'm running linuxcnc, and the motor I've ordered is a 2000w 700kv motor rated at 60 amps. I have not ordered an esc because I was unsure of the type. Any help is greatly appreciated
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