Thread: Lubricant for router cutter?
25-04-2012 #1
Hi all,
I'm cutting beech on my CNC router and I wonder what can I do to get the best tool life. Someone once told me there was some kind of wax crayon type of lubricant and you rub it onto the flutes of the cutter periodically (might have been made by Rocol, but not sure). Anyone heard of that, or used it?
Any thoughts appreciated, the cutters are v. expensive so I just want to get the most out of them.
25-04-2012 #2
Havent heard of a wax lub but I do use two different types both made by Rocol. One is a spray and the other is an oil. Both good for the cutters.
26-04-2012 #3
Thanks Ian,
I've just been on the Rocol website but couldn't see anything specifically for cutting wood, mostly metal cutting fluids.
The spray you mention, is that a dry PTFE spray? I guess that would dry onto the cutter and leave a film on the cutting edge?
26-04-2012 #4
Never use oil when cutting wood. If necessary use a dry PTFE spray such as the one included in this kit:
27-04-2012 #5
sorry I presumed your were cutting metal.
Was this the wax :
27-04-2012 #6
27-04-2012 #7
Yeah, I think that Trendiwax might be the thing. I'll give it a go.
thanks guys.
28-04-2012 #8
I would imagine your best option is something close to Trendiwax.
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