The simple answer is Yes to all you questions :)
As long as the machining is not something exotic the price will be the same, but bearing in mind most of the machining costs are to do with the fixed end, so if you want machining like the fixed end at both ends i will need to get a quote from the engineering company i use.
If you want a dimension that is in between the 100mm i offer, this is not a problem, infact i do this a lot, you just need to round it up to the nearest 100mm and advise the length, but i will need a proper drawing, with tolerances
Some of the ball nuts come with plastic seals (5mm lead) and the other lead ball nuts come with a rubber seal that is much better.
The reason is that they come from different manufactures.
And fitting the ballnut is not a problem, you would be surprised how many people ask me to do this, and i an thinking of doing this as standard with machined screws.

Quote Originally Posted by Robin Hewitt View Post
Hi Gary

While you're on the subject of changing things :D

These here ballscrews you do, can you machine the ends to my pattern rather than just cutting your standard ends? Nothing dramatic, just want to hold the screw in tension rather than leave one end floating...

...and, do they come with seals fitted to prevent ingress?...

...and can I specify a non-standard length?...

...and could you fit the nuts for me if I told you which way round they go? I've never actually had a problem fitting ballnuts, I just find it a bit nerve wracking

Much ta
