Thread: Anyone play World Of Tanks ?
08-09-2012 #1
Just interested if anyone play world of tanks? I also play EvE online it will be 10 years next July I'm toying with going to FanFest, anyway it was just one of those questions. ( I did do a search first, this time and got no results
Fiction is far more plausible when wrapped around a thread of truth
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
09-09-2012 #2
I play Eve, although only occasionally these days and my main will also be 10 years old next May :-)
09-09-2012 #3
I used to repair Centurion tanks, does that count ?
John S -
09-09-2012 #4
Fiction is far more plausible when wrapped around a thread of truth
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
09-09-2012 #5
Drove 432's and Warriors in the Persian Gulf, does that count?
09-09-2012 #6
chopper in NAM ?
09-09-2012 #7
09-09-2012 #8
I used to be a Gunner on a chieftain and Challenger tank when i was in the army.
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09-09-2012 #9
Well Gary if you were a gunner on Chieftains you weren't very busy then, those bastard things spent more time broke down than running.
John S -
09-09-2012 #10
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